Multi-Family (Apartments – Condos – Duplex – Townhomes – MDU)

One of the most common complaints of multi-unit (condo/apartment) tenants is noisy neighbors. This isn’t incidental to an unlucky few with the misfortune of a randomly obnoxious neighbor, but something typical to anyone sharing a wall or floor with strangers. Hearing every footstep, argument, or having to listen to your neighbor’s choice in music thwarts any idea of privacy or peace that homeowners enjoy and for which they pay a premium.
Building each unit with their tenants in mind where they won’t hear every footstep or conversation from their neighbors. A true R30 that will allow them the comfort of not having to run their heating and cooling all day, everyday. Creating a building that has 10 times the shear load of any other panel system on the market. The WallPanel System™ is an ideal solution.
WallPanel System™
R30 with just 6″ thickness
Healthier living spaces
Higher Quality
Faster construction times
Lowered U-values
Reduced maintenance
Sound reducing materials (allowing your tenants to live in a quite environment not hearing their surrounding tenants)
10x the shear load of standard construction and the highest shear loads of any panel system on the market.
Green Building
LEED points
Energy Star ratings
Increased value of property
Shorter loan times
Termite and Pest free environments