Steel Construction

Steel Construction
We have long relied on steel to provide the strength and durability required to build skyscrapers, bridges, and ships. Light gauge steel is a thinner more flexible version of the heavy steel used for those massive projects, but offers many of the same advantages. As the quality and availability of wood declines and as more areas are destroyed by hurricanes and earthquakes, many are now looking to rebuild their homes and businesses with steel.
Advantages of Steel Construction
Higher strength to weight ratio than other building materials.
Dimensionally stable and produced to exact specifications, resulting in straight walls, true 90-degree corners, and doors and windows that will not bind.
Architecturally flexible with long span capabilities, wide on-center spacing possibilities, and reduced foundation requirements.
Non-combustible, offering less fuel for fires.
Reduced builders risk insurance rates.
Continued savings over the life of the structure with less maintenance and lowered insurance rates.